Our Governors
Governing Board Constitution
There are 9 positions
Our governing body shall consist of
2 Parent Governors
1 LA Governor
1 Staff Governor
4 Co-opted Governors
1 Head Teacher Governor (unless the head teacher resigns the office of governor)
Associate Members
In maintained schools, the governing board can appoint associate members to serve on one or more committees of the board. Associate members can attend full board meetings but may be excluded from any part of a meeting where the business being considered concerns a member of school staff or an individual pupil. They can be appointed for a period of between one and four years and can be re-appointed at the end of their term. Associate members are not governors and they are not recorded in the instrument of government (Extracted from Governance Handbook October 2020 – Page 64, paragraph 53).
NB: Associate members are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in full governing board decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed.
Mrs Sarah Freeman - Chair of Governors
Vice Chair - Cllr Martin Brooks
Mrs Katie Wall - Clerk
Meeting Dates 2024/25
Autumn Term
Thursday 26.09.2024 - 5pm
Full Governing Board (Set up mtg)
Thursday 10.10.24 - 4.30pm/5pm
Pay/Full Governing Board
Thursday 14.11.2024 - 4pm
Finance, Staffing and Premises
Thursday 28.11.2024 - 5pm
Full Governing Board
Spring Term
Thursday 13.02.2025 - 5pm
Full Governing Board
Thursday 13.03.25 - 4pm/5.30pm
Finance, Staffing and Premises/Full Governing Board
Summer Term
Thursday 15.05.2025 - 5pm
Full Governing Board
Thursday 05.06.2025 - 4pm
Finance, Staffing and Premises
Thursday 10.07.2025 - 5pm
Full Governing Board