SEND Information
At Welsh House Farm we are proud to have a positive ethos of inclusion for all our children that have additional or differing needs. Staff strive to ensure that all children, whatever their starting point, make progress and achieve to the best of their ability.
We have a team of staff who work together to support the holistic needs of the child, which may include speech and language, academic support, social and emotional mentoring or behaviour support.
We also have our specialist Cognition and Learning Resource Base that has 12 places. Some children find mainstream provision a challenge and need a smaller class size with specific teaching methods and differentiated resources and learning opportunities. Through consultation with SENAR and a local panel, we are able to support some of the most vulnerable children from the local area, ensuring that they have a bespoke education tailored to their needs to enable them to have a meaningful and enjoyable time in school.
The SENCo at Welsh House Farm is Lisa Parkes. You can contact Mrs Parkes at L.parkes@welshhousefarm.bham.sch.uk