Year 3
Teacher: Mrs Yeardsley
Email: e.yeardsley@welshhousefarm.bham.sch.uk
Teaching Assistant: Mr Underwood
Welcome to Year 3
Reading Opportunities
We want children to leave year 3 with an enjoyment and love for reading and books. We want children to enjoy reading books and enjoy listening to stories being read to them. We encourage children to read individually, in small groups and as a class and as much as possible throughout each lesson. Reading is so important for every child. Each child will bring home a reading book from the Big Cat Scheme. This scheme has a range of both fiction and non-fiction books and are lovely and colourful. We aim to change their books every week. Library books are for the children to share with the family, please do read them to your child so they can hear intonation and pace in your voice. Reading to your child helps them to develop a love for reading as well as having higher vocabulary.
Writing Opportunities
Throughout the year we give them many opportunities to write for different purposes. We are following the ‘Talk For Writing’ method where we rehearse orally the piece of work before practising writing it together and then writing their own version changing different aspects. Children will write both fiction and non-fiction pieces including retelling a story, instructions, acrostic poems, diary entries and newspaper articles to name but a few. This is a chance for your child to let their imagination flow and demonstrate skills such as handwriting, vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, which are all taught throughout the week.
We have a daily session of handwriting, which follows the Penpals scheme. Children complete exercises to develop the flow of their writing as well as a particular join. When children have neat presentation, they are awarded a pen to use in their lessons.
We follow the White Rose scheme and we want the children to have an inquisitive and creative mind. We are keen for the children to explain how they got their answer through talk or using manipulatives or a representation. We encourage them to investigate concepts so they can develop their mathematical thinking and become more confident and positive attitude towards mathematics.
Creative Opportunities
Children will be having the opportunity to develop their creative skills through dance, drama and art. In art, they use a variety of media like charcoal, clay, pastels and are encouraged to develop their sketching skills. They are given opportunities to work with collage, 3D work, mosaic and printing to produce some lovely finished pieces. As well as this there are many opportunities for children to participate in drama activities such as performing short scenarios, hot seating.
STEM Opportunities
In Science, we want to participate in fun, practical and engaging lessons that inspires them to succeed and excel in Science. We want to foster a curiosity and interest in the Sciences so they ask questions such as ‘What would happen if ……..’. Our children will remember their Science lessons and have no limits to their ambitions to become a scientist.
In our topics we are regularly making and building things so that children have fun sessions where they can talk about what they have learned. We encourage the children to be hands on in their learning and talk about what they are doing and encourage them to ask further questions to extend their skills and knowledge.
Parent Corner
During the year, we will be having some inspire workshops. Parents or adults such as older siblings will be invited in to school for sessions where they can see their child, their work, the expectations of the year and how to support their child at home. The dates will be sent out closer to the time.
In the Autumn term, we are having PE on a Tuesday. This might change through the year but parents are always informed. All children should wear their PE kits to school and bring a water bottle.
Homework is sent home on a Friday. Please can this be completed and brought back to school by Tuesday. Also, please can a family member hear your child read as often as possible and ensure children bring their book bags to school every day.
The gates are open for children at 8.30 am. They can collect a bagel and come into class straightaway. The gates are closed at 8.45 am when the register will be taken and lessons will begin. It is important that children are in school by 8.45 am so they are ready to work. From 8.30 am to 8.45 am, it is a great opportunity for your child to chat to their peers and staff about their thoughts and feelings. If your child is too ill for school then please phone school to let us know. It is very important that your child is in school every day.
If you do have any concerns/questions about your child then please do speak to us at parents evening or see us at the end of the day when you collect your child. We are here to support you and your child.
Remember to sign up to Arbor as this is the system that school uses to send important messages and reminders home.