Year 5
Teachers: Miss Withers (Mon) & Mrs Kiddle Morris (Tues - Fri)
Emails: &
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Evans (Mon – Thurs)
Welcome to Year 5
In Year 5 our Topics will be:
Reading Opportunities
Year 5 children are always provided with the opportunity to read every day which why it is so important that they have their reading books in school every day. The children have a ‘Big Cat’ Reading book that is changed on a weekly basis and they will also choose a book from the library for reading for pleasure. Each child is also given a Reading Diary - this is to be completed to show how often your child reads. In class we will be reading a variety of books including: Oliver Twist, Christmas Carol, Jungle Book and Lord of the Forest.
Writing Opportunities
We follow the Talk for Writing framework. Each topic includes an exciting model text to explore and learn. The children practise the text to imitate the language and then read and investigate the text before writing their own version. We will be exploring a range of genres including: stories, poetry, non-chronological reports, recounts and instructions.
During Maths lessons, we will be continuing to follow the White Rose scheme to enable the children to develop an inquisitive and investigative mind through offering them the opportunity to explore number, shape and statistics and investigate these; developing and deepening their mathematical thinking to facilitate their competency across maths. Topics to be covered include: Place Value, four operations, fractions, decimals, geometry and measurement.
Creative Opportunities
The children will have lots of opportunities to be creative in a variety of subjects. We will have weekly art lessons which focus on developing our skills in drawing, painting, collage, textiles, printing, 3D and sculpture and digital art and we will also look at the work of known artists. Projects include: Typography & maps, Set design, Architecture and Fashion design.
STEM Opportunities
Year 5 are encouraged to question, explore and investigate across the curriculum in Science, Maths, Topic, Computing and Design and Technology. In Design &Technology we motivate and engage the children by designing and making exciting working products linked to our history and geography topic or science topic. Year 5 will be using mechanical structures to make a moving toy and mechanical systems to make a moving vehicle.
Parent Corner
Every child should have a purple jumper or cardigan and a white polo shirt with grey trousers or a skirt. Jewellery should be kept to stud earrings and a watch, for safety reasons. Our PE uniform is a plain white T-shirt with black shorts, joggers or leggings. Your child should wear their PE kit to school on PE days. Please label all items.
Homework is set every Friday. The children should complete this independently wherever possible. Homework should be completed neatly in pen or pencil and returned to school on Monday or Tuesday. The children will have a reading practise book weekly which will be in line with the ‘Big Cat’ Reading Scheme. They will also have a weekly spelling practise sheet.
Inspire Workshops
We will conduct a variety of parent inspire workshops throughout the year. The workshops give you the opportunity to come into school and work alongside your child, giving you the chance to see how lessons are taught and what the expectations are. We will hold a Writing Inspire Workshop in the Autumn term. Throughout the year there will also be a Maths Workshop and Reading Workshop.
Before/After School Clubs
A variety of before and after school clubs are offered to the children in Year 5 throughout the Year. Please use Arbor to sign up to these each term. Once they have signed up for a club, your child will be expected to be on time and attend regularly.
We have a whole school assembly each Monday morning, a KS2 singing practice each Wednesday morning and a whole school rewards assembly each Friday afternoon.
The gates open at 8:30am. The children come straight to the classroom and set up their learning right away. It is really important that your child attends school every day. However, if your child is sick then please phone the school office and inform them. In particular, if your child has vomited then they need to be off school for 48 hours. Picking your child up from school and dropping them off on time is extremely important. It supports your child settling into the classroom and also ensures they don’t miss out on any learning. Not arriving at school on time and being picked up late can be very distressing for a child. Also, if you require a person to pick up your child who is not on our list you will need to inform the school office. Attendance is essential for your child’s education and social well-being.
If you wish to communicate with any of the staff in class, you can phone the school on 0121 464 4355 or email us on or on the email addresses given above.
Check your child’s bag daily for letters regarding events or other important information. Please also sign up to Arbor. This will ensure you receive messages and where you can sign up for clubs and activities.