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Year 5

Teachers: Mrs Kiddle Morris (Mon- Thursday)  & Mrs Bull (Thurs – Fri) 

Emails: &

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Evans (Mon – Thurs)


Welcome to Year 5

Reading Opportunities

The children will have Top Cat Reading books that are changed on a weekly basis and they will also choose a book from the library for reading for pleasure. In class we will be looking at the following books, which will lead in to our writing genres- Oliver Twist, Street Child, Christmas Carol, Jungle Book, Lord of the Forest, Biographies, Journals, Reports as well as play scripts. Each child is also given a Reading Diary-this is to be complete to show how often your child reads.


Writing Opportunities

From our class reading books the following writing genres will follow-Non-chronological reports, Poetry, Biographies, Persuasive Texts, Journals/diaries, Recounts and Play Scripts.



During maths lessons, we will be continuing to follow the White Rose scheme to enable the children to develop an inquisitive and investigative mind through offering them the opportunity to explore number, shape and statistics and investigate these. Developing and deepening their mathematical thinking to facilitate their competency across math.. Topics to be covered include: Place Value, four operations, fractions, decimals, geometry and measurement.



  • Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system.

  • Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth.

  • Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies.

  • Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.

  • Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.

  • Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties.

  • Know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution.

  • Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated.


Creative Opportunities

Art-Water Colours-looking at different artists and the characters from Christmas Carol. Rainforest puppets, Batik designs, Masks, Face painting and digital media, video production and vector quizzes.


STEM Opportunities

Mechanical structures (Cams and toys), Mechanical Systems (Pulleys and vehicles) Cooking,


PE: Will consist of Invasion games, gymnastics, athletics


Parent Corner


Our uniform is grey trousers/skirt/dress, white polo shirt and purple jumper/cardigan and ensure that if it is cold they have a warm coat/hat/gloves. Label everything. PE-Children to come to school in PE Kits on a Tuesday.



Children will have a reading practise book weekly which will be in line with the Big Cat Reading Scheme. They will also have a weekly spelling practise sheet. Children are encouraged to also take home a free choice library book.


Inspire Workshops

We will conduct a variety of parent inspire workshops throughout the year. We will hold a Reading inspire workshop in the autumn term. Throughout the year there will also be a maths workshop and writing workshop.



It is really important that your child attends school every day. However, if your child is sick then please phone the school office and inform them. In particular, if your child has vomited then they need to be off school for 48 hours. Picking your child up from school and dropping them off on time is extremely important. It supports your child settling into the classroom and also ensures they don’t miss out on any learning. Not arriving at school on time and being picked up late can be very distressing for a child. Also, if you require a person to pick up your child who is not on our list you will need to inform the school office. Attendance is essential for your child’s education and social well-being.


There is always water available in the classrooms however if you want your child to bring a water bottle in they can do so.


Please check your child’s bag daily for letters regarding events or other important information and also ensure that you download the Marvellous Me app onto your phone for award badges, links to activities and messages from school.

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